Prospect Generation Studies of Cretaceous Sands, Khipro Area by Integrating Seismic and Well Data


  • U. Shakir Bahria University Islamabad
  • M. Hussain LMK Resources
  • M. F. Mahmood Bahria University Islamabad
  • M. R. Amjad Bahria University Islamabad
  • W. A. Zafar Quaid-i-Azam University,
  • S. Mehmood Bahria University
  • Z. U. Abideen Pakistan Petroleum Limited
  • A. R. Tahir Bahria University Islamabad
  • M. Haroon S&P Global



Khipro block is located in southern Indus Basin, Pakistan. Khipro area possesses good hydrocarbon
potential, which is confirmed by several oil and gas discoveries in this area. This research paper is
focused to delineate the subsurface structures favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation and remaining
reservoir potential through integrated seismic structural analysis and petrophysical interpretation of
Naimat Basal-01 and Siraj South-01 wells. Seismic structural interpretation confirms the normal
faulting, in which elevated horst blocks are providing suitable trap for hydrocarbon accumulation.
Mapping at Basal and Massive Sands level revealed that the existence of two compartments at reservoir
level. The southwestern compartment is relatively shallower and has a great potential for future
hydrocarbon explorations, as compared to northeastern compartment. Low shale volumes, good porosity
values and high hydrocarbon saturation prove Massive Sands as a good reservoir in both wells.

Author Biographies

M. Hussain, LMK Resources

Block J, F-7/1, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad

M. F. Mahmood, Bahria University Islamabad

Deptt of Earth Sciences

W. A. Zafar, Quaid-i-Azam University,

National Centre of Physics,  Islamabad

S. Mehmood, Bahria University

Deptt. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Islamabad

Z. U. Abideen, Pakistan Petroleum Limited


A. R. Tahir, Bahria University Islamabad

Deptt of Earth and Environmental Sciences

M. Haroon, S&P Global

A.K. Fazal-ul-Haq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad



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How to Cite

U. Shakir, “Prospect Generation Studies of Cretaceous Sands, Khipro Area by Integrating Seismic and Well Data”, The Nucleus, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 67–75, Dec. 2020.




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