On the Design of a Content based Image Retrieval System





With the abundance of multimedia content on the World Wide Web, research and learning of effective
feature representation and similarity measures have become crucial. Image searching poses several
challenges. Lately, many researchers have been exploring the field. Automatic annotation of images
based on digital content processing proves to be an encouraging direction in the field. Content based
image retrieval system development is an emerging field. Accuracy of the results of semantic search
depends on the understanding of searcher’s purpose, the meaning of conditions imposed in the search
query and their mapping in the searchable data space. A visual content semantic search engine is
proposed in this paper. The search engine employs digital image features for searching the image
database. The presented algorithm produces promising results. The performance of our algorithm is
tested on an extensive set of tags and queries resulting in accurate and efficient results.


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How to Cite

S. Farhan, M. A. Fahiem, and H. Tauseef, “On the Design of a Content based Image Retrieval System”, The Nucleus, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 36–41, Jun. 2019.


