Investigation Regarding Safety Concerns on Construction Sites in Punjab, Pakistan and Their


  • M. A. Chaudhry The University of Lahore, Raiwand Road Campus, Lahore
  • A. M. Zafar The University of Lahore, Raiwand Road Campus, Lahore
  • A. Ajwad University of Management and Technology, Johar Town, Lahore




In the last two decades, there has been tremendous increase in construction projects for the development of Pakistan. Safety at construction sites is one of the most important performance indicators in the construction industry. This study was aimed at collecting data from construction sites regarding safety requirements at different stages of the construction projects. Data was accumulated from 25 different projects of Punjab region by supplying questionnaire to the site engineers and managers involved in the construction work assigned to different national and local contractors. The questionnaire was revised by discussion with the senior personnel and experienced engineers to collect useful information about the necessary safety requirements. Mainly the questions were concerned with the environmental policies and safety measures required against hazards. The collected data was processed and conclusions drawn to recommend that the construction companies comply with the ISO 14000 standards related to environmental management.


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How to Cite

M. A. Chaudhry, A. M. Zafar, and A. Ajwad, “Investigation Regarding Safety Concerns on Construction Sites in Punjab, Pakistan and Their”, The Nucleus, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 121–126, Jun. 2017.




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