An account is given on radiochemical investigations on photonuclear reactions on target nuclei ranging from 7 Li to 209Bi at intermediate energies up to 1.2 GeV, with use of bremsstrahlung beams of its maximum end-point energies of E0 = 30–1200 MeV with small steps of E0, by the author's group since 1980s. The investigation covers the yield measurements of spallation, fragmentation, fission of the preactinides, 197Au and 209Bi, and photopion reactions, systematically performed with respect to photon energy (E0 and/or k) target mass (At) and/or target composition (N/Z)t, product mass (A) and product composition (N/Z). The analyses of the thousands of yield data obtained with aids of intensive chemical processings have yielded valuable insights into the reaction mechanism, i.e. characteristics of ∆- resonance and strong effects of nuclear medium. In addition, a simple recoil experiment resulted valuable kinematic information regarding to the reaction steps. All of the results have updatedly used to test Monte Carlo calculations based on the photon-induced intranuclear cascade and evaporation analysis (PICA) code and its improved versions and the degrees of the validity of the codes have been demonstrated. New implications for the nuclear structure and reaction mechanism have been discussed by referring to the nuclear models on which the calculations are based.References
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