Reservoir characterization of Paleocene Clastics and Carbonates in Chanda-01 Well, Kohat Basin, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan: A Petrophysical Approach


  • S. M. Siyar Bahria University, Islamabad
  • M. Awais University of Swabi, KPK
  • M. Zafar Bahria University, Islamabad
  • M. Waqas Geological Survey of Pakistan, H-8/1, Islamabad
  • S. Faisal Bahria University



The present study deals with the reservoir characterization of Paleocene reservoirs in Chanda-01 well drilled in the Kohat Basin, Pakistan. The petrophysical evaluation of the Paleocene Hangu Formation (Clastics) and Lockhart Limestone (carbonates) have been carried out using conventional Petrophysical logs. The petrophysical parameters estimated includes volume of shale (Vsh), density porosity (?D), neutron porosity (?N), sonic porosity (?S), average porosity (?A), effective porosity (?E), qualitative permeability, water saturation (Sw) and hydrocarbon saturation (Shc). One possible pay zone with 14 m thickness has been marked in the Hangu Formation and one having 10 m thickness in Lockhart Limestone after detailed interpretations. In Zone A the average petrophysical values like Vsh, ?A, ?E and Shc  are 4 %, 24 %, 22 % and 88 % respectively. The reservoir zone of   Lockhart Limestone has the average values of Vsh 4%, ?A5%, ?E4 % and Shc 85 %. Between the studied Paleocene reservoirs Hangu Formation has high porosity, while the other Lockart one has less porosity. Based on the ?N and bulk density cross-plot, the lithology of Hangu Formation and Lockhart Limestone is dominated by sandstone and limestone respectively.

Author Biographies

S. M. Siyar, Bahria University, Islamabad

Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences

M. Awais, University of Swabi, KPK

Department of Geology

M. Zafar, Bahria University, Islamabad

Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences

M. Waqas, Geological Survey of Pakistan, H-8/1, Islamabad

Geological Survey of Pakistan

S. Faisal, Bahria University

Deptt. of Earth & Environmental Sciences


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How to Cite

S. M. Siyar, M. Awais, M. Zafar, M. Waqas, and S. Faisal, “Reservoir characterization of Paleocene Clastics and Carbonates in Chanda-01 Well, Kohat Basin, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan: A Petrophysical Approach”, The Nucleus, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 27–32, Jun. 2018.


